ACT Exam Reading Practice App provide free model practice tests covered all types of Reading Section problems preparation with solution.
The ACT Exam Reading Test: Format, Timing & Question Types
The ACT is a college entrance exam that many colleges and universities in the United States use as part of the college admissions process. Looking for basic information about the ACT test format? We’ve got it!
ACT Exam Reading Practice Test Basics
The ACT is a standardized test that measures a student’s skills in five core areas: English, math, reading, science, and writing (optional). Students in grades 11 and 12 take the ACT so that they can submit their scores to colleges as part of the college application process.
ACT Reading Practice Test Format
The ACT is composed of four multiple-choice sections—English, Math, Reading, and Science—and one optional essay section—Writing. Total testing time is 2 hours and 55 minutes for the ACT without Writing and 3 hours and 35 minutes for the ACT with Writing. The breakdown of each section is as follows:
Reading Reading Practice Test Section
# of Questions & Time Limit :- 40 questions in 35 min.
Content/Skills Covered :- reading comprehension of what is directly stated or implied
Question Types :- four-choice, multiple-choice referring and reasoning questions
ALL About ACT Reading Test
Four passages belonging to four genres -- prose fiction, social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences comprise the Reading test. As passages always follow this order, and each passage is followed by 10 questions this gives the test taker the advantage of working on those passages belonging to the genres he is most comfortable with first and save the harder ones for the end.
Wish you all the best for all Act Test aspirants for your Exam.
#问题与时间限制的: - 40道题35分钟。
内容/技能涵盖: - 读什么直接陈述的理解或暗示的保证
问题类型: - 四个选择题,多项选择题指和推理题
四通道属于四个流派 - 散文小说,社会科学,人文科学和自然科学包括阅读测试。作为通路始终遵循这个顺序,并且每个通道后跟10个问题这给考生在属于流派这些通道工作的优点,他是最舒服的第一和保存较硬的对端。